Ben Ashworth
Courtney Barden
Heather Dent
Kathi Gardner
Jennifer Guillams
Traci Jackson
Ashley Markway
Mollie McNally
Amber Richeson
We are a non-profit 501(3)(c) youth recreational community theatre, offering performing arts opportunities to youth in Spring Hil and its surrounding communities. We are committed to improving the quality of life for our community through the participation in and promotion of the arts.
Each year, MAPA produces 2 (or more) plays or musicals for youth ages 5-18. In addition to our public performances, MAPA also offers summer acting classes and workshops and has performed at public events like The Kansas City Renaissance Festival and The Spring Hill Fall Festival.
At MAPA, we seek to bring literature to life in young people's lives. We promote a culture that honors education, literacy, and leadership. Our performers tend to be involved in a variety of extra-curricular activities and our rehearsal schedules allow participants to enjoy diverse experiences.
As a recreational program, MAPA is committed to keeping participant expenses low.
MAPA would not be possible without the generous support of the Spring Hill School District and The Spring Hill Chamber of Commerce. We work in conjunction with The Spring Hill Recreation Commission and The Spring Hill Arts Council to provide excellent cultural arts experiences for Spring Hill youth.
The other component that makes our program viable is our volunteers. Our non-profit program is overseen by a volunteer board. In addition, we need volunteers to assist with a variety of duties for each show. If you would like to become involved with this worthwhile and rewarding community service opportunity, please contact us at
To view our Anti-Racism statement, click here.
In the fall of 2008, a group of 19 children & 3 adults began gathering in Spring Hill on Friday nights to celebrate musical theatre. What began as a once-a-week recreational program quickly evolved into a community youth theatre. Our original program name was Broadway Review and under the leadership of Sarah Ackerman-Hale, Tara Crotchett and Becki Davis, Broadway Review produced 7 productions:
In March 2012, a group of committed volunteers from Broadway Review sought to increase opportunities for young performers and operate as an independent non-profit. Through their efforts, Madison Avenue Performing Arts was born. The founding board of directors consisted of Regina Fotovich, Janet Wisecarver, Julie Macey, Tara Crotchett, Sharon Mitchell, Ross Broockerd, Sonya Hubbard and Sarah Ackerman-Hale, Since March 2012, MAPA has produced the following shows:
Volunteers are always needed! If you would like to become more involved with a MAPA production, please contact us at